Even though stock photos save us a lot of time, finding right photo for your work can still be a daunting task. Let’s make our lives easier and start by looking at the websites to find the best stock photos.
Whether it’s for designer or blogger, images are the utmost piece that adds beauty in their designs and blogs. Besides the pretty content, another thing that attracts customers towards your blog or design is the images that you use to illustrate your concept. And to help you guys to find the best stock images, I have list down five simply awesome websites below. I hope you guys will be able to add more beauty in your designs or blog through images on these websites. Have a look!
1. Shutterstock
Founded in 2003 and headquartered in New York City, Shutterstock is an innovative technology company, operating in more than 150 countries and 20 languages. It’s a global marketplace for imagery, powering a new era of creativity.
2. Depositphotos
Founded in 2009 and headquartered in Florida, USA, Depositphotos is the fastest growing microstock agency in the world. It serves customers from over 192 countries, giving them support in 14 languages. Being a creative content marketplace, Depositphotos allows everyone to buy and sell high-quality stock photos, vector images, and videos.
3. Fotolia
Fotolia is devoted to offering affordable creative imagery. Its crowdsourced library includes millions of royalty-free images, vectors, illustrations and video footage clips. Whether you’re a professional designer, manager, presenter, small business owner or student, the right images for your website, brochures, reports, and slides are available on Fotolia.
4. iStock
iStock is the web’s original source for royalty-free stock images, media and design elements. Artists, designers and photographers from around the world come here to create, work and learn. Although iStock started with just a handful of photos in 2000, we now offer vector illustrations, videos, music and sound effects.
5. Photodune
Photodune is Envato’s stock photos site to help you get creative. It is a world-leading digital marketplace where you can buy images, templates, project files and creative assets, and also an education network of tutorials and courses where you can learn new skills and crafts.
Other websites to find the best stock photos
There are obviously many more websites to find stock photos, but a safe bet would heading to Google Images. Google’s spiders crawl every stock photo site, and their ranking algorithm is better than any other, so why not take your chance there?
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